The Institute through Research and Technical Department awards grant to assist qualified members who are currently pursuing doctoral degree programme in accounting in Nigerian Universities.
Annually, the Department initiates and sponsors research into contemporary issues of relevance to the profession and the Nigerian economy at large.
The Institute’s endowment initiative towards expanding the frontier of accounting education across the country is coordinated by the department. The Institute has endowed Professorial Chairs and Lecture theatres in the Universities of Lagos, Benin and Nigeria, Nsukka. The Institute is desirous of extending the endowment to building of Lecture Theatres in other tertiary institutions.
The department regularly issues technical pronouncements on current economic, financial and accounting matters for the benefit of the Institute’s stakeholders. It also coordinates the Institute’s views by way of comments to relevant statutory bodies in the country.
The department publishes a Technical Bulletin featuring issues of benefits to members in core accounting areas.
The department coordinates the Institute’s reviews and commentaries on local and International Exposure Drafts submitted to it by the IFAC, IASB, IPSASB, IAASB, FRC, IAESB, etc.
As part of its Corporate Social Responsibilities, the Institute, through the department, reviews the performance of the Federal Government budget yearly and makes solicited and unsolicited memoranda. It holds twice a year.
The Institute, through the department, provides financial assistance to its members in academia during the presentation of their inaugural Professorial lecture.
As efforts to further enhance service delivery to its members, specifically on technical matters, the Institute has in place a TECHNICAL HELPDESK in the Research and Technical Department. The Desk provides appropriate responses to members’ technical enquiries in all aspects of the profession (audit, tax, financial reporting, business mergers, regulatory provisions, requirements of standards, etc), without seeking to provide consultancy service free-of-charge, through a dedicated service telephone line: 09053847534.
Members can also make enquires through e-mail: as well as through the completion of Technical Helpdesk Form on the Institute’s website. The helpdesk will provide initial/interim response within 48 hours. The technical hotline is on during the weekends, public holidays and after the close of work each day.
Memoirs such as Tax Aide and CAMA Aide to assist members in practice are periodically reviewed and published by the department.
This is a digital/on-line library facility provided by a conventional library to read e-books, e-journals and access other information resources. The e-library is part of a network with links to renowned publishers and other libraries that provide access to digital and scholarly information on the web.