Step by step processes to becoming ICAN Certified

Saturday Notice

... May 2025 Diet Professional Examinations is now open. Examination Date: May 20 – 22, 2025. Registration opens: January 28, 2025. Closes: May 16, 2025. Payment Date: January 28 - May 09, 2025

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To become an Accounting Technician, you must first register as ATSWA Student, seat for and pass all requisite examinations.
After passing the examinations you must apply for induction of new AATWA members. Pay the sum of ₦30,000 only (or the prevailing rate as approved by Council) at any commercial bank through paydirect and go online to complete your application using the link at the top of the receipt received from the bank. Click on membership application procedure below for details.

  • AATWA Members' Portal

  • Membership Application Procedure

    • Pay Induction fee of ₦30,000 at any commercial bank in Nigeria.
    • Obtain Payment Receipt and click here(please create this link) to proceed with your registration
    • New PIN and SERIAL NUMBERS would be generated.
    • Enter your Student Registration Number, PIN and SERIAL Numbers into the registration page.
    • Complete the form, upload a clear passport photograph on white background and submit online.
    • Print the completed AATWA Membership Application Form for your Referees to sign.
    • Attach evidence of Payment (i.e. Payment Receipt, Bank Teller obtained from the bank).
    • Attach evidence of payment of your student subscription (i.e. Payment Receipt, Bank Teller obtained from the bank).
    • Attach certified photocopies of ATS I, II, III Examination Result Slips and Exemption Certificate (if applicable) duly certified by one of your Referees who is an AATWA financial member.
    • Attach certified photocopies of credentials – University Degree, HND, WASCE or GCE etc. duly certified by one of your Referees who is who is an AATWA financial member.

    The completed form attached with evidence of payment and relevant documents as stated above MUST be submitted to The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria, Plot 16, Idowu Taylor Street, Victoria Island, Lagos. YOU WILL NOT BE INDUCTED IF YOU DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR COMPLETED FORM FOR VETTING. The Institute will not be responsible for any postal delay. For enquires contact ‘aat@ican.org.ng’ or call 02014542097

  • The Place of AAT in the Accounting Profession

    In line with its statutory responsibilities, the Institute conducts examinations for prospective members who, on qualifying as Chartered Accountants, occupy top-level positions in various sectors of the economy. Below this level are the HND and B.Sc (Accounting) graduates who are not professionals. Thus, between the Chartered Accountants and their unsophisticated and diverse clients, there existed a vacuum that needed to be filled. This vacuum could only be filled by Accounting Technicians who are trained to understand and interpret the language of the professionals to the clients.

    Similarly, many career civil servants who worked in Finance related positions and did not have the requisite qualifications to enable them advance progressively on the job or eventually become Chartered Accountants could not be promoted. Thus, there was the dire need to provide middle level accounting certificate for these categories of personnel both in the public and private sectors of the economy.

    The Scheme also provides opportunities for the graduands to attain the peak of the profession by aspiring and qualifying as Chartered Accountants. For this class of Nigerians, the programme holds out a dual advantage.

    While they have opportunity to progressively advance on the rungs of the ladder of their careers, the graduates of the scheme are additionally eligible to register as students for the Professional Examinations and thereafter claim exemptions from the Foundation, Intermediate and Business Law in P.E I levels. To attain the above objectives, the graduates of the scheme need to be adequately equipped with intellectual abilities and practical skills that would enable them function effectively within the economy and if they wish, pursue further academic and professional qualifications.

  • Advantages of AAT

    Holders of the Association of Accounting Technicians qualification can use their certificate to proceed to the ICAN Professional qualifying examinations scheme and eventually qualify as full-fledged Chartered Accountants.

    The AAT certificate can also be used to secure admission into a University to study B.Sc Accounting, Banking & Finance, Economics, Taxation, Business Administration, etc. Many Nigerian Universities equate AAT Certificate with ND (Accounting) Upper Credit and, so, admit holders into 200 level of a relevant degree programme. This is particularly crucial because these days, importance is attached to University degrees by employers of labour in the Nigerian and global economy.

    An AAT certificate holder can work in both the private and public sectors of any economy in the world. The certificate indicates competence, integrity and ability to take on responsibility of an accounting nature. The duties that might be assigned vary from organization to organization. They range from more routine to technical works. In the commercial and industrial sectors, holders of AAT certificate should be able to earn rapid promotion to middle level management particularly with dedication and hard work

    Holders of the AAT certificates are very good Audit clerks – checking records and conducting bank reconciliations.

    • He/She may be an invoice clerk checking invoices and arranging payments.
    • Be required to prepare data for computer system or to prepare accounts and cash flow statements.
    • Be required to prepare or check PAYE, VAT and other tax returns.
    • May also be involved in more technical aspects of auditing, preparation of financial statements and budgeting.
    • Be used as supervisors in some organizations – planning and monitoring the work of other junior staff.
    • These are just some of the opportunities open to holders of AAT Certificates.

  • The Duties of the Accounting Technician

    As already mentioned above, the Accounting Technician is adequately equipped to support the Chartered Accountant who is expected to groom him. In addition to the various duties that would be assigned to him, the Accounting Technician will find himself performing some or all of the following functions:

    • Collection of data relating to the operations of the economic entity;
    • Classifying and storage of data in logical manners;
    • Analysis of data to derive useful information;
    • Interpretation of the information generated from the operational data to aid decision making;
    • Making forecasts and projections on the entity’s operations.
  • Constitution, Bye Law & Code of Conduct



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