Students Story

Step by step processes to becoming ICAN Certified

Wednesday Notice

The registration PORTAL for the SEPTEMBER 2024 diet of ATSWA Examination opens on Thursday, May 30, 2024, and will close on Thursday, September 19, 2024

Please note that the registration date will not be extended

The Institute’s September 2024 diet ATSWA examinations are scheduled to hold from Tuesday 24, September to Wednesday 25, September 2024.

For more enquiries, click here

Changing Lives - ICAN starts with you. With ICAN! YOU can

Are you looking for a career that holds the allure of self employment for dedicated and hardworking men and women? Are you looking for a career that offers prestige, respect, great prospect and excellent financial rewards? Do you desire a viable option to enter the job market upon qualification without stress? If your answers to the above are YES, then, accountancy profession is the perfect option and ICAN will take you through.

Get Registered

Get registered for the Professional or ATSWA examination and attend lectures.

Sit for Examination

Get prepared and sit for your registered examination


Having passed in your examination, you will be among the numerous successful candidates to be inducted


After the induction, you will be given your certificate as an ICAN certified professional

Get in touch

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